The Chatfield CSA at Denver Botanic Gardens at Chatfield
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Chatfield CSA E-news August 19 - 23

Posted 8/19/2013 8:15pm by Josie Hart-Genter.

Dear Shareholders,

Due to the late timing of this newsletter - we will only be giving you the produce list for this week (tomorrow and Thursday's pick up) with some additional notes from the field. Please read the newsletter next week for a full edition.

* We have two remaining spaces for our Indian Curry Making Workshop and Meal in our outdoor kitchen space this Friday, August 23 - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Please register by emailing [email protected] by this Wednesday.

** Please be sure to pick up your MELONS! We have included melons in the produce list for three weeks now, yet last week we still had leftovers so please remember your melon. This is a part of your weekly VEGGIE share.  

*** August 27, next Tuesday, we will be at St. John's Cathedral for Tuesday's distribution. We will send out a reminder with a map later this week.

produce list for august 19 – 23                                                                                     *this list is tenative and subject to change

small bag of baby potatoes!
eggplant (yes, finally!)
head lettuce
assorted herb choice
sweet and hot peppers
summer squash
Thai basil                                                                                                                       melons

fruit of the week: One bag of peaches

grower’s perspective: notes from the field                                                           Phil Cordelli, CSA Head Produce Grower

All the summer crops are booming now, peppers turning colors, tomatoes ripening, picking the last cantaloupe out of the field, basil chest-high. It can be hard to figure how crops move in the Colorado summer, especially with that last little rainy cloudy spell. The head lettuce sized up for this week, but for the last two weeks the eggplant have been hanging out at halfsize. We made a run through the beds two weeks ago to pick the biggies but only got about 70. So, classic CSA DILEMMA! Do we give only some people eggplant? Do we offer a choice between tomatoes OR eggplant? Do we in the tradition of Solomon give everyone a half?! We decided on giving quality eggplant instead of tiny un-ripe ones … ah, the issues which keep a CSA farmer up at night. We’re headed out tomorrow morning to make another run through the beds, hopefully we can wrangle enough for everyone! As always, thanks for sharing the ups and downs of the season with us!

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