The Chatfield CSA at Denver Botanic Gardens at Chatfield
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June 28 CSA Newsletter

Posted 6/24/2011 5:33pm by Josie Hart Genter.


Dear CSA shareholders,

We hope you all are enjoying the spinach, greens, herbs, salad and peas in your kitchen!

Now that our season has officially begun we want to know how you are feeling about your experience with the CSA. Please feel free to email us with any comments or suggestions at 

going on

Planning on going out of town for the long weekend? If you know you will be missing your weekly CSA distribution you are welcome to share your weekly harvest with a friend, neighbor, or relative who loves veggies. All they need to do is sign in for you and a staff member can help them pick out their produce. Don’t forget the bags!

this weeks produce (June 28)

• Snap and shelling peas                                  
• Salad greens
• Spinach
• Lettuce
• Arugula
• Kale
• Radishes
• Broccoli – possibly
• Basil - possibly
• Dill, Parsley, Cilantro

*Please note this is a tenative list and is subject to change      

weekly recipe

Spinach Soup
With Basil and Dill
Adapted from Mollie Katzen’s Vegetable Heaven cookbook
2 medium-sized russet potatoes (about 1 pound), cut into cubes (peeling optional)
2 cups chopped onion
1 heaping tablespoon minced garlic
5 cups water
1 1/2 teaspoons salt (possibly more to taste)
1 teaspoon dry mustard
Approx.  2 pounds fresh spinach, cleaned and chopped
1/2 cup minced fresh dill
A small handful fresh basil leaves
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste

Optional Topping:
A little yogurt
Mild paprika

1. Place the potatoes, onion, garlic, water, salt and mustard in a soup pot or Dutch oven. Bring to a boil, then cover and simmer very slowly for about 20 minutes.
2. Use a food processor or a blender to puree the soup with all its solids, adding the spinach and fresh herbs along the way.
3. Return the soup to the pot and heat slowly. Add black pepper to taste. Serve hot, with a drizzle of yogurt and a dusting of mild paprika on top, if desired.

farm topic of the week

Clear out your refrigerator because our veggies are growing fast! Beets, basil, broccoli, cabbage, summer squash and carrots are on their way! We’ll also start seeing potatoes in the next few weeks as well!

Don’t throw away your veggies tops!
Instead of throwing away the nutrient-rich vegetable tops of radishes, carrots, parsnips (to name a few) or the stems of parsley or kale, try using them. One great method is making a vitamin rich smoothie. This may look like green goo, but it’s a great way to get the nutrients you need in the middle of summer heat.

Green Smoothies
Serves 2
One bunch of green tops off radishes, carrots or what you have your CSA box
1/2 handful of flat-leafed parsley
a few leaves of arugula or spinach stems
4-6 frozen bananas or fresh bananas with ice added
3 cups water, or more to blend
*add the juice from a whole lemon if you looking to cleanse or detoxify

Wash the greens, blend ingredients together and enjoy getting your daily vitamins in a very cool way! Stay tuned for more ideas on how to use the whole vegetable that you are receiving each week. This smoothie is good for you and much cheaper than buying a fancy green smoothie at the store.

food safety note

Please note that although we have washed our produce once after harvesting it in the field, members should wash the produce at home again before eating. Our farm produce should be treated the same way as grocery store produce: always wash before eating! The best way to wash produce is by running it under cool water. Cleaning products are not necessary.


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