The Chatfield CSA at Denver Botanic Gardens at Chatfield
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Oct. 24 - 28 Chatfield CSA e-news

Posted 10/21/2011 11:37am by Josie Hart-Genter.

Dear CSA Shareholders,

Our wonderful season is coming to an end. Sadly, we will be returning to the grocery store once again for our weekly veggies – some local, but most will be trucked in from far off places that seem absolutely foreign when compared to Chatfield! However, waiting for next season will make the first taste of CSA lettuce that much sweeter! Please remember to mark your calendar for the final CSA member/volunteer potluck scheduled for Saturday, November 5. Our final CSA distributions of the season are Tuesday, October 25 and Thursday, October 27.

It has truly been a pleasure working with you this season! Cheers to supporting a community brought together by local food!

this week’s produce (October 24-28) (Our last week)

• Peppers (hot and sweet)
• Cabbage
• Beets, carrots, turnips
• Gourds and pie pumpkins
• Salad greens, spinach and arugula
• Parsley, cilantro and dill
• Leeks

this week’s

One large bag of late season apples.

weekly recipe
Josie Hart-Genter, CSA Community Coordinator

Sweet Pepper, Leek and Goat Cheese Frittata

Beforehand: Chop the sweet peppers, chop one leek into round slices and chop any fresh herbs you have - about two tablespoons. Slice one clove of garlic into very small pieces. If you like eggplant you can also add ½ an eggplant diced to the veggie mixture.

After everything is chopped, add the garlic first with the butter or oil for a quick minute. Add all veggies into a skillet with a little more olive oil or butter and gently sauté.

Beat the eggs and season well. Pour the eggs over the veggie mixture and cook for 5-6 minutes until almost set. Dot the goat cheese and scatter herbs over the top and slide a lid over the pan for 2-3 minutes until golden. Keep the heat low so you don't burn the bottom.

Cut into wedges and serve with salad.


farm topic – apple pie and my mother
Josie Hart-Genter, Community Coordinator

My mother and I have shared a bushel together for two years now, and each week we are brought together by vegetables. The beauty of the vegetables laying on her counter every Thursday is one of our favorite weekly experiences, sometimes we just sit and stare at all the colors and shapes for a couple of minutes before doing anything with them. This would be one of the few moments in the week where we both just appreciated something together and didn’t have to speak too much or have a point to the conversation. After awhile, she washes the harvest – refusing to put anything in the veggie drawer (how can she hide it all away), she displays her bounty on the front shelves of the fridge for everyone to see (including her) every time the fridge door opens. A true reminder of how full and rich our lives are! 

Actually, food has always brought my mother and I together from the very beginning and given us a reason to celebrate. Some of my first memories are of making pie crusts or pizza dough on a kitchen stool, level with her at the counter. Because of her passion to use only fresh, local, natural ingredients and to create everything from scratch, the experience of cooking was something that took a lot of our time and included the whole family. Thanks to her, I developed a love for all types of food at an early age – making the CSA a perfect fit for our way of life.

Now that I am the mom, putting my daughter on a stool to make the dough, I reflect on how amazing a simple bag of fresh vegetables can be for a family who cooks and eats together. I give thanks to my mom every time I hear my daughter say “Mom, I want more cauliflower please… and some lemon cucumbers because they’re my favorite,” and to my co-workers at the CSA who labored to provide our family the food that brings us together each evening. Long live mother and daughter apple pie! 

mark your calendars

- The final CSA potluck is Saturday, Nov. 5 at the Green Farm Barn from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
- The CSA volunteer appreciation event will be Friday, Dec. 16. Details to follow.

food safety note

Please note that although we have washed our produce once after harvesting it in the field, members should wash the produce at home again before eating. Our farm produce should be treated the same way as grocery store produce: always wash before eating! The best way to wash produce is by running it under cool water. Cleaning products are not necessary.

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