The Chatfield CSA at Denver Botanic Gardens at Chatfield
Seeded in Support by Kaiser Permanente
2016 Waitlist

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Time to Renew your CSA Share

Posted 1/13/2015 2:20pm by Josie Hart-Genter.


Dear Shareholders,

We apologize for the wait on renewals, but we are happy to announce that you have until February 9 to renew your share. This year, we are offering the following additional shares:

       - Eastern Plains Natural Food Coop - 20 weeks of free range eggs
       - Locavore Share - various selections of grass fed beef/pork/fish/etc 
       - Ela Farms - 11 weeks of local, organic fruit including peaches/pears/apples

All additional share prices/info are displayed in the sales portion of of the website. The vegetable share prices and size have not changed from last year! The full share is $475 and feeds 3-4 people depending on how many vegetables your family uses in a week. Please consider purchasing an $800 Supporting Share to help fund our successful outreach initiative, Farm Stands in Food Deserts. Your support is crucial to the expansion of not only food access to under-served communities but also to sustainability initiatives on the farm. Supporting Shares - Information 

If you would like to have a payment schedule for all your purchases, please purchase all shares at the same time. If you add on shares you will need to pay separately for them.

Sign up now! You will be asked to provide an email address to ensure you are a returning member. As always, if you have questions please contact  

Thanks so much for your support!

-The Chatfield farm team

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