2015 Waitlist

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The Rotten Egg Issue

Posted 6/16/2014 11:47am by Josie Hart-Genter.

Dear Egg Share Members,

It has to come to my attention that a portion of the eggs handed out last Tuesday/Thursday were rotten! Last year, from time to time, we had an odd egg that got fertilized; that happens occasionally. However, in this instance it seems to be a bigger issue than one or two eggs. Like last year, we are partnering with The Eastern Plains Natural Food Coop – and they are usually very good about quality

We are working on determining which farm (they work with a few small eastern plains farms) supplied the rotten eggs. Many of the egg dozens were still the great quality that we are accustomed to.

If you received a rotten dozen we can refund the amount for a dozen eggs at your next distribution.

I apologize - the smell of a rotten egg is no fun. I hope that your Father's Day was still good even without those farm fresh eggs! 

Please let me know at distribution if you need to be refunded.


CSA Manager

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