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Beet burgers

1 carrot (shredded)
1 beet bulb (shredded)
3 cloves garlic (crushed)
1 teaspoon fresh ginger (shredded)
1 egg (beaten)
2 teaspoons powdered coriander
2 teaspoons powdered cumin
75g breadcrumbs
2 teaspoons yellow miso
200g yogurt
8 slices bread
100g leaves of pea plant, spring greens or other similar small green veggie for garnish (the recipe translation is tricky on this one, it literally translates to: "gourmet peas," but the picture and purpose is NOT at all like little green sweet peas, it's some leafy thing)

1. Mix in a bowl the carrot, beet, garlic, ginger, egg, spices and breadcrumbs.
2. Add salt and pepper as desired.
3. Separate into 4 equal portions (or more for smaller sandwiches) and make into little patties (easiest to make a ball and smush it down).
4. Heat 2cm of oil in a large skillet.
5. Cook the burgers for 6 min on each side, just until lightly golden.
6. Place burgers on a paper towel to absorb the excess oil.
7. Grill the bread.
8. Mix the yogurt and miso.
9. Serve the burgers on the grilled bread and garnished with the yogurt-miso sauce and the greens.

Recipe from: Plats Vegetariens Rapides by Anne Wilson. Translation to English by Cheryl Angelroth
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