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Palestine Soup

Palestine (Jerusalem Artichoke) Soup


1 onion, peeled and roughly chopped 
~ 1 lb Jerusalem artichokes, lightly peeled and sliced
100g butter 
1 litre vegetable stock 
500ml milk 
10-15 shelled hazelnuts, lightly toasted 
Salt and freshly ground white pepper 
2-3 slices of bread, cut in cubes, thick, crusts removed

In a large saucepan melt half the butter and gently cook the onions and Jerusalem artichokes with a lid on for 4-5 minutes, stirring every so often. Add the stock and milk, season, bring to the boil and simmer for about 30 minutes until the artichokes are tender. Add the hazelnuts and blend until smooth in a liquidiser, then strain through a sieve or keep as it is. You can adjust the consistency with more milk or stock if it's too thick. Meanwhile cut the bread into rough cubes and fry in the butter until golden, transfer to a paper towel and season. Serve the soup with croutons.

Adapted from Mark Hix's Palestine Soup recipe